日期: 2015年9月30日
依「中東區域開發計畫共同平台」(MEED Projects,一個區域性平台,包含中東區域內各重大產業發展、訊息共享暨分析之交流平台)所提供訊息,礦業部門所帶動經濟體系之成長數額甚為龐大,其上游產業(礦物資源開採)部分,包括執行與尚未執行之計畫,其金額高達40億美元;下游產業(礦物、金屬加工廠、金屬處理廠)各執行與尚未執行之計畫者,則更高達150億美元。
(一)使沙國經濟發展多元化,減少對於石油輸出之依賴; (二)充分利用沙國礦產豐富之利益,將沙國打造成為「區域礦業營運中心兼全球礦產供應中心」。
前述國際會議訂於2015年10月27日至29日在沙國首都利雅德市「Faisalia國際會議中心」舉辦,將有包括政府官員、投資客、礦業專家、企業人士、礦產所有權人及國際礦業公司代表共3000餘人參加;沙國「石油及礦業資源部」部長Ali Al-Naimi將在沙國石油部門及礦產界重要人士多名之陪同下,以貴賓身分出席。
Saudi mining and minerals conference: $19 billion projects in spotlight
RIYADH: Saudi Arabia is organizing its first ever international mining and minerals conference and exhibition in a bid to boost a sector that offers $19 billion worth of opportunities in upstream and downstream projects.
According to the latest data from MEED Projects, a leading regional tracking and analysis platform in the Middle East, upstream projects (extraction, mining) under execution or pre-execution is worth $4 billion, while downstream projects (mineral/metal processing plants) under execution or pre-execution is valued at $15 billion.
“With the massive size and scale of opportunities involved, Saudi Arabia is keen on strategically developing an industry that will not only help diversify its economy, but also sustainably and strategically utilize its abundant mineral resources to become a leading regional hub and global commodities supplier,” says Edmund O’ Sullivan, chairman, MEED Events, which is organizing the conference component of Saudi Minerals and Mining 2015.
The conference is scheduled to take place from Oct. 27 to 29 at the Prince Sultan Grand Hall, Al Faisaliah Exhibition & Convention Center in Riyadh.
More than 3,000 delegates are expected to attend the event, including government officials, investors, mining specialists, business leaders, mine owners and international operators.
The conference will feature local and international experts who will share insights on how key stakeholders can explore the wealth of opportunities within the Kingdom’s mining and minerals sector and the extended value chain.
It will be keynoted by Ali Al-Naimi, Minister of petroleum and mineral resources, who will be joined by important decision-makers and thought leaders.